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Common name Great tit
Scientific name Parus major
Type Forest birds
Status Resident

Small bird (approx 14 cm or 5.5 in) easily recognizable by the yellow tone of its body, the back of olive green colour, bluish wings, black head and white cheeks. It has a characteristic vertical black stripe (bib) that starts at the base of the bill and runs through the breast.


Woodland environment

Where it lives

It is a forest bird with great adaptability that inhabits wooded areas, both dense and clear, scrubland areas, riparian woods, tree crops, parks and gardens.

How it lives

Resident in Malaga all year round. Its breeding begins in March and nests in tree cavities. At least two annual layings of 8 to 12 eggs. The Great Tit feeds on small insects, larvae, seeds and wild fruits. In winter it forms flocks with other species of birds.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Usual and frequent bird throughout the province. Easy to see practically at any stage of the Great Path.

Curious facts

Showing off their colouring, in the case of great tits, is not just a matter of pleasing their partner. The males with more intense colours in their plumage ingest more carotenes and that implies that they are more efficient hunters and that, therefore, they are able to feed their chicks better. Consequently they are preferred by females and have more reproductive success.

Similar birds
Wintering Summer Resident Migration