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Common name Eurasian blue tit
Scientific name Cyanistes caeruleus
Type Forest birds
Status Resident

Small bird (approx 12 cm or 4.5 in) characterized by its striking blue and yellow plumage. Small crest on the head that it only rises from time to time. Cobalt blue head with white neck-collar and cheeks. Blue-green back, yellow breast with small black stripe. Bluish wings. It lacks a wide black tie like the Great Tit and is smaller.


Woodland environment

Where it lives

Woodland bird with preference for deciduous trees and mixed forests. It is present in chestnut groves, holm and Portuguese oak woods, meadows, olive groves and parks and gardens.

How it lives

Species resident in Malaga all year round. It breeds once or twice a year and lays from 7 to 10 eggs. Nest in trees. Insectivorous bird that occasionally also consumes seeds and fleshy fruits. It is a refined acrobat who can often be seen perched head down on branches.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Very frequent bird. It can be watched throughout the Great Path.

Curious facts

The Blue Tit is the most famous of the "birds of the water", able to predict with his song, if asked, if it will rain or not, according to popular tradition. It is a very noisy bird which calls a lot. This bird is called in Spanish "herrerillo" ("little blacksmith") because the call resembles the pounding of a hammer against an anvil. During the breeding season the tits make flashy flights with flutters that make them look like butterflies.

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