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Common name Saker falcon
Scientific name Falco cherrug

Large bird of prey (about 55 cm or 21.5 in) with an also large wingspan (about 130 cm or 4.5 ft). Less graceful look than the Peregrine Falcon. Upperparts in brown tones and white underparts with brown spots. White head with absence of the dark cap that other hawks have. It has stretch marks on the head and slender, brown moustachial stripes.

Where it lives

Asian species typical of open spaces with sparse or very scattered trees. It avoids dense forest formations.

How it lives

Bird considered a rarity in the province, with very occasional migratory passages. It nests on rocky cliffs or trees, laying 3 to 5 eggs, and feeds on rodents and lagomorphs, even reptiles, something unusual among hawks, which tend to be prone to capturing especially birds instead.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

It is a rare and very little frequent species in the province. There is only one watching record in the Antequera region of an individual in migratory passage. But it is a raptor of frequent use among falconers, so sightings of individuals anywhere in Malaga cannot be ruled out.

Curious facts

Its name (Saker) comes from Arabic and means "hawk". The term "cherrug" refers to how these hawks are known in India. The presence of saker falcons in the Iberian Peninsula could be underestimated. Through satellites it has been proven that ringed hawks in Eastern Europe cross our country to reach North Africa. And this probably includes some stops to rest and fly over the territory of Malaga.

Wintering Summer Resident Migration