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Common name Egyptian vulture
Scientific name Neophron percnopterus
Type Cliff-nesting birds
Status Summer

Medium-sized raptor bird (approx 65 cm or 2 ft). Physically unmistakable, with dirty white plumage with some areas of cream colour. Head with a crest of feathers and completely naked yellow face. Fine bill, relatively long and black bent tipped. In flight (wingspan approximately 170 cm or 5.5 ft) it looks like a very white bird, with long, narrow wings and with a black back. The tail is very distinctive, long and wedge-shaped. Juveniles have dark plumage.


Rocky environments

Where it lives

It occupies a great variety of habitats with the condition that there are rocky gorges or ravines, preferably close to open landscapes with presence of extensive livestock.

How it lives

It is a strictly summer bird. The breeding begins in April with an annual laying of 1 or 2 eggs. Nest located in cracks, hollows, corbels and rocky walls. It is a scavenger bird that prospects its territory meticulously in search of remains of dead animals. Occasionally it also captures small rodents and insects or takes advantage of injured animals.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Very rare bird in the province. Specimens can be watched in the border areas with Cádiz, specifically in the Sierra de Líbar. In the Great Path it is not frequent to see them, unless they are individuals in migratory passage.

Curious facts

The Egyptian Vulture is a very specialized bird. Its long bill and bare face provide access to the softest parts of corpses. In addition, it usually inspects the cow dung, looking for insects, which is why in Malaga it is known as "dunger eagle" ("águila boñiguera" in Spanish).In the past it was a very abundant and frequent bird in Malaga, a frequent visitor to slaughterhouses and garbage dumps.

Wintering Summer Resident Migration