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Common name Eurasian nuthatch
Scientific name Sitta europaea
Type Forest birds
Status Resident

Small bird (approx 14 cm or 5.5 in), easy to recognize. It has a characteristic grey-blue upperparts plumage that also covers its tail and wings. The tail is very short and the neck is hardly noticeable. The underparts are orange, the throat is lighter and has a black eye list on the face. Strong bill, like the legs, that have large nails.


Woodland environment

Where it lives

Woodland bird present in mature and humid forests, avoiding repopulations and pure pine forests. It prefers mixed woods.

How it lives

Resident species in Malaga all year round. It breeds from April. Two annual layings of 6 to 8 eggs. Nest in tree cavities. Many times this nuthatch uses abandoned nests of woodpeckers to which it reduces the entrance opening by adding mud. Insectivore that catches its prey among the bark of trees. It also consumes seeds and nuts such as acorns, walnuts and chestnuts.

Where it can be seen in Malaga

Frequent bird in well-preserved forests in Malaga, such as those of the Genal Valley. In the Great Path it can be watched in woodland stages, such as 12, 25, 26, 27, 29 and 33.

Curious facts

Eurasian nuthatches are birds that are easy to see and identify in the right places. Its typical behaviour is to climb the bark of trees, sometimes upside down, to capture prey. It creates pantries in the crevices of the trunks, consisting of insects and especially nuts. Those same crevices are used to pin up the fruits and break their shell, hence its English name.

Wintering Summer Resident Migration